Headlines: Kristo, Vigneault, Luongo, Dell, Draft Coverage, Girl Talk


All Habs Headlines: Thursday May 24, 2012

On this day in hockey history…  Happy 25th Birthday to former Habs player Guillaume Latendresse!  


Vigneault not a candidate for Habs: The Vancouver Canucks signed head coach Alain Vigneault to a two-year contract extension on Wednesday.  Vigneault has helped the Canucks finish with the best regular-season record for the past two seasons.  Vancouver was out of the playoffs after being beaten in five games by the Los Angeles Kings.

Vigneault described talk of him filling the head coaching vacancy in Montreal as rumours only.  The Vancouver coach also confirmed that goaltender Roberto Luongo wants to leave the team, and that will likely happen this summer.

Goalie help on the way?  Last month Habs prospect Danny Kristo announced that he would be returning to the University North Dakota for his season year in 2012-13.  Kristo is coming off his best season, scoring 19 goals and 26 assists for the Fighting Sioux.

On Wednesday Kristo’s UND team announced the addition of two goaltenders, Clarke Saunders and Zane Gothberg.  The pair of newcomers are expected to compete for the starting job next season replacing Aaron Dell.  The club fully expects that Dell will be signing a pro contract.

This is significant to Habs fans as Dell will be joining Kristo at the Hab’s June development camp.  The Fighting Sioux goaltender was very impressive at last year’s workouts in Brossard.  With another good showing in camp, can Dell earn a trip to Hamilton?

All Habs draft coverage:  You have told us that you love reading about prospects.  Recently you have been treated to articles by Kathy, Robert, James, Katherine and Radoslav — our prospect coverage is second to none.

And now, only four weeks away from the NHL Entry Draft, we will add a special guest writer to our team.  Rick Springhetti is a respected evaluator of hockey talent working as a scout for McKeen’s Hockey.  Starting Sunday on AllHabs.net, you will find a seven-part comprehensive draft guide to get you ready for June 22nd.

The series will be published en Francais.  If you are not a French-speaker you can read the articles using the translator from the toolbar.

Watch for it, this is information that you don’t want to miss.

►Vous nous avez informés que vous aimez être renseigné sur les espoirs. Nous vous avons offert récemment des articles signés Kathy, Robert, James, Katherine et Radoslav – notre couverture des prospects est sans égal.

Maintenant, à seulement quatre semaines du repêchage amateur de la LNH, nous ajoutons un invité spécial à notre équipe de rédaction. Rick Springhetti est un évaluateur de talent respecté présentement dépisteur pour McKeen’s Hockey. Débutant ce dimanche sur AllHabs.net, vous trouverez un guide complet, en sept parties, afin de tout savoir sur le repêchage du 22 juin prochain.

Cette série exclusive sera publiée en français. Si vous désirez partager ces articles avec des gens qui ne parlent pas français, sachez qu’il est toujours possible d’utiliser le traducteur dans la barre d’outils au bas de la page.

Soyez aux aguets, c’est une série que vous ne voudrez pas manquer.

Playoff wrap-up for Habs prospects: Did you know that Brendan Gallagher scored five goals and five assists in six playoff games?  How about Daniel Pribyl?  He had five goals and two assists in just four playoff contests.

The folks at Hockey’s Future have put together a summary updating the progress of Habs prospects in the post-season.

Read more: Montreal Canadiens well represented at 2012 Memorial Cup

Is CBC offside with “girl talk” show?  CBC is set to unveil a new sports-talk show to coincide with Game 1 of the Stanley Cup final on May 30.  It’s called While the Men Watch and is aimed at the more casual female hockey fan who is less interested in stats and strategy instead focusing on fashion and a player’s hotness quotient.

“As two women married to sports fanatics, there was really no escaping hockey on TV — especially during playoffs.  As our men were glued to the game, we were on the phone talking to each other about what we saw on the ice in a way that was completely different than what our guys or the real announcers were saying.  Why were the players getting a seat and a drink in the penalty box if it’s supposed to be a punishment? And how exactly did that coach pick out a brown suit and tie combo four sizes too big?” — Lena Sutherland and Jules Mancuso, While the Men Watch

So here’s the question: Will this show attract an audience that is not being well-served by the current Hockey Night in Canada broadcast or is the program an insult to smart, passionate female hockey fans?

► New at All Habs Hockey Magazine:

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