Journal de Montreal: The Canadiens regret Beauchemin


    Habster’s take:

    Pierre Durocher from Journal de Montreal interviews Bob Gainey concerning his regrets about how he allowed Columbus to pluck François Beauchemin from re-entry waivers and didn’t sign him to an AHL contract. Gainey also stated that he has learned to be more patience with a player’s development after this situation and wouldn’t make the same mistake. Beauchemin also said he would have accepted an AHL contract to play in Hamilton that year and also regrets not being able to play for the Canadiens. He also wonders if he would have developed into the defenseman that he is today if he had remained with the Habs and not had the chance to played with Scott Niedermayer. All Habs fans will regret that François Beauchemin was the “one that got away” as well.