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New Year’s Resolutions à la Canadiens

Written by LadyE, AllHabs

MONTREAL, QC — New Years Eve.

Time for food, drink and song. Tis the season to reflect on the past, and to look forward to the coming year.

I don’t usually make resolutions, because I don’t like making promises I cannot keep! This year though I decided that if I were to make a resolution it would be to be more accepting. In this spirit, I have accepted the fact that our glass-kneed big D-Man, No. 79, may not make it back this season.

Phew, I actually verbalized it. That feels great!

I wonder what the New Year’s Resolutions would be for our Tricolore…

Score More Goals
As young kids playing hockey, scoring goals was the utmost accomplishment, along with winning games (more on that later.)

This resolution belongs to Cammalleri, Plekanec, Gionta, Kostitsyn and Gomez. That monkey that is on their backs needs to be exorcized and the puck needs to find the back of the opponents net. C’mon guys this is one lofty promise you can keep.

Scott, seriously, Hal Gill and Cam Ward can’t have more goals than you! I know you can do it!!

Win Games
This is a no-brainer right? Every hockey team from Atom to the Pros has this goal. Yet it seems to have become quite a difficult feat for our Habs. I know they will find their mojo and the W’s will start coming. It already started with the big one over the Senators.

This resolution HAS to be made by the whole team. I can almost see them now holding hands vowing to win more games. Well at least vowing.

No Stupid Penalties
How many times has a penalty resulted in a goal from the opposing team! Keep those sticks down, stop crosschecking and tripping! I mean really… let’s focus!

This resolution belongs to the coach (too many men on the ice) Subban, Moen, Plekanec, Cole, Pacioretty, Gorges… enough already!

Win a Shoot Out
Ah yes, the infamous shoot out. Ideally it should be avoided at all costs! The club record is 1-4. Coach this is one of yours! You need to send out players that might actually win the shootout! Get your snipers ready for it! Oh Carey! This one is also for you! Allowing eight goals on 15 shots. These are just like any other shots on net, sort of! Just think of them like that and not one puck will get past you! I hope!

Play Big
I have said this before. Red white and blue are not mere colours and ‘C’ and ‘H’ are not just letters. They are part of the fabric that makes up Montreal’s culture. Boys, regardless of your status on the team, rookie, veteran, and stature, you should all play big! Play with pride, heart, soul and determination. Play like you are seven feet tall and untouchable! As big as Gill or as big as Gionta plays. Take this resolution to heart as the worldwide community of Habs fans surely does!

Last but not least, the last resolution belongs to Coach Cunneyworth. He made an effort to learn to say “Je Suis Content” in December 2011, and hopefully he will be able to coach until June 2012 and be able to say “Andrei Markov jouera dans la serie finale de la Coupe Stanley.”

Happy New Year to everyone in the All Habs community!

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