Ready to rumble


    The younger Kostitsyn’s tussle didn’t go unnoticed by linemates Guillaume Latendresse and Maxim Lapierre. “I think we’ll call him Serge, so he can play on a Quebec line with Maxim and I,” laughed Latendresse. “We can mix it up out there and Sergei can fight.”


    Give Sergei Kostitsyn total credit for standing up for himself and taking on Chuck Kobasew. He handled himself really well and didn’t look out of place during the fight. As I said before Habs training camp started, Sergei Kostitsyn can play and has an edge to his game. I hope his new line mates Maxim Lapierre and Guillaume Latendresse take note of the younger Kostitsyn’s actions on the ice. He made a hip check hit on David Krejci and didn’t turtle or turn away when Kobasew challenged him to a fight, something both Latendresse and Lapierre have done in the past. When you’re a physical player who like to make big hit during a game, then you will be challenged to fight occasionally. NHL players respect players (especially teammates) who don’t turtle when they are confronted to fight.
    Reading the above quote made me realize that Maxim still doesn’t understand this concept, “We can mix it up out there and Sergei can fight.” No…..Sergei won’t fight your battles for you but hopefully you will one day, Maxim……and live up to your nickname of “Mad Max”.