Home All Habs news Sneak Peek of Price’s New Mask vs Canucks

Sneak Peek of Price’s New Mask vs Canucks

Sneak Peek of Price’s New Mask vs Canucks

During the Montreal Canadiens – Vancouver Canucks game tonight, Habs goaltender Carey Price will be debuting a new mask from a new artist.  Well, new for Price, anyway.  For years, Price has worked exclusively with David Arrigo but tonight his helmet is a Dave Gunnarsson creation.

Another David, our friend David Hutchison from InGoal Magazine, caught up with Price after Saturday’s game-day skate and forwarded photos of the new mask to us.

Price described the creative process this way when he spoke to InGoal, “I just told [Dave Gunnarsson] the type of mask and basic idea I wanted and he did his thing.”

Read the rest of the story here: Exclusive InGoal Photos: Carey Price debuting new mask against Canucks

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