Tom Kostopoulos: The ultimate team player


    By Habster

    Recently, I have posted articles regarding how thrilled Bryan Smolinski and Roman Hamrlik are about joining the Canadiens which is great to hear from players heading to Montreal. I’m hoping these player will help the Habs become a better team and earn a playoff spot this season but nobody seems to be talking about the Habs other acquisition, Tom Kostopoulos. Just a few days ago, I had a spirited debate with one of my neighbours concerning Mr. Kostopoulos and what kind of contribution he can bring to the Montreal Canadiens. My neighbour thought Bob Gainey was wasting salary cap money on Kostopoulos ( he’s slated to earn $1.4 million over the next 2 years) who would bring nothing to the rink and would take a prospect’s spot. I argued that a hockey team needs players like Kostopoulos that have grit, hustle and who will stand up for their teammates especially when other teams take liberties/cheap shots against their star players.

    Needless to say, we agreed to disagree and started to talk about other “world shaping” issues such as living with teenagers ( now there’s a subject close to my heart with a 15 year old daughter who thinks she is 20 and a 13 year old son going through,…ahhh….let’s just say puberty issues!!!!).

    Yes Habs fans, I realize Tom Kostopoulos is a role player on the third or fourth lines but he is an important part of any team which needs a balance of skill, leadership and grit in its lineup.

    I have some video from Youtube that will give you an example of how appreciated and valuable Mr. Kostopoulos can be to his teammates. Check it out by clicking on the above title (especially the fight against Steve Ott).