TSN: The Comparison ( 2007-08 Senators and 1976-77 Canadiens)



    With all due respect to a very good Ottawa Senators team (in my opinion the best team in the NHL right now without question!!!), the 1976-77 edition of the Montreal Canadiens was one of the most dominate teams in hockey history. It was a team that would win four Stanley Cups (1975-1979) and had 12 players induced into the Hockey Hall of Fame. During that period of time, they were without question the best team in the world, just ask the Red Army team!!!
    The Senators obviously can’t compete with those accomplishments and it will be hard for them to go the rest of the season with only seven more losses. Is it impossible?, I guess anything is possible in life and records are there to be broken.
    I really don’t like when people make these type of comparisons especially between two different eras of hockey. It also puts additional and unrealistic pressure on the Ottawa Senators which are unfair to both teams especially with what the 1976-77 Canadiens team accomplished that season. If the Senators re-write the record books, I will be the first to tip my hat to them for their accomplishment but I’m sure that Senators fans would rather see their team hoist the Stanley Cup this season and start a new dynasty like those great Montreal Canadiens teams!!!!

    Montreal Canadiens team stats 1917-2007: http://www.hockeydb.com/ihdb/stats/teamseasons.php?tid=45
    Statistics were courtesy of Hockey Database.