What will future hold for Sundin?



    1. you know, I haven’t been a big believer in the ‘no European captain has ever won the Stanley Cup’ jinx….but I tell you, Sundin’s decision to maintain his no trade and his comments afterwards only add fuel to that fire…and may change my mind. any Canadian player would give anything to win a Stanley Cup and do whatever it takes. Sundin’s ‘if I can’t shower with my new boys since training camp, I won’t bond sufficiently’ is a pile of crap! the playoffs are a whole separate season. teams lucky enough to win the 3 month war of playoff games side by side every second night are sufficiently bonded by the end of it. someone should ask Sundin why he participated in the Olympics? didn’t he bond with his Swedish teammates in a matter of weeks or a few games?? and given his ‘principled’ stand now, is Sundin willing to give back his gold medal?

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