Stock Dropped from Battle of the Blades


Violetta Afanasieva and P.J. Stock the third pair eliminated from Battle of the Blades.
– Katia Gordeeva and Valeri Bure return for another week –

CBC Press Release

TORONTO – October 18, 2010 – Despite bringing a sizzling chemistry to each of their performances, Violetta Afanasieva and P.J. Stock were eliminated tonight on BATTLE OF THE BLADES. Valeri Bure and Katia Gordeeva, who also found themselves in the bottom two for the second time in the competition, will remain in the game for another week maintaining their chance to win a $100,000 donation to their charities of choice.

Skating to “Canned Heat” by Jamiroquai, Violetta and P.J.’s dance routine earned them a total score of 16.9 from the judges. This week’s judging panel: Sandra Bezic, Jeremy Roenick and guest judge Ken Daneyko praised tonight’s performances and were amazed by both pairs’ improvement from Sunday’s show. For their efforts, One x One will receive a $25,000 donation in Violetta and P.J.’s honour.

Tonight’s special guest performer American figure skater Johnny Weir delivered on his promise to “bring it” to Canada when he skated to Lady Gaga’s ‘Just Dance’ in a costume he designed himself.

The five pairs returning to compete on Sunday, October 24 are: Shae-Lynn Bourne and Patrice Brisebois, Isabelle Brasseur and Todd Warriner, Katia Gordeeva and Valeri Bure, Kyoko Ina and Kelly Chase, Jamie Salé and Theo Fleury.